What is the key to the soul? My channelings describe this as your multi-dimensional higher selves.

What is the key to the soul? My channelings describe this as your multi-dimensional higher selves.

What is the key to the soul?

So, what is the multi-dimensional higher self, and how do you access this part of yourself? My channelings tell me that the higher self is made up of four levels, the first three being the higher emotional self, the higher mental self, and the spiritual higher self. These are all embedded in our aura and in most people, they are inactive. Some of you reading this would be aware of the existence of these three levels. 

The fourth part of the higher self is what is call the multi-dimensional higher self or for short the super higher self. This can be accessed through meditation that is directed to break down barriers to access this amazing creative part of you.

My future blogs will divulge more information and knowledge about this and much more about the multi-dimensional higher self.

I invite you to post questions on any of the posts you read on this page, and if you have any questions about the subjects mentioned please write in comments.



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