Description and Main Goals of this Spiritual Journey Book is:

For You, the reader to experience your higher self which will allow you to create a life which is for “Your Highest Good with Abundance,” which can be accomplished by you using, positive planning and action systems included in this book.

This includes:

  • Motivational tools.
  • Creative visualisation.
  • Plus, other techniques.

These Mind-Altering systems are toned with Spiritual Energy and Spiritual Aspirations.

The Mission of This Book Is To:

  1. Give you the Mental and Spiritual tools to create a Meaningful Successful Life.
  2. Create a Positive Balanced Life that is for your highest good and all others,
  3. Take you to the point where the Ego becomes the Servant not the Master.
  4. Allow you to connect to your Individual Higher Self simply and easily.
  5. Obtain Guidance in all matters with and through your Individual Higher Self.

The programs in this book are designed to enhance your spirituality and bring you a positive balanced life and abundance that is for your highest good.

The spiritual development systems that follow the mental programming systems is designed to make the ego becomes the servant and not the master.

This includes:

  • Meditation Systems.
  • Visualization.
  • Healing energy techniques.

Having achieved this pathway, it will then be possible for you to link your conscious and sub conscious mind to your individual higher self. This new infused energy of your higher self can enable you to create a life of abundance for your greater good. You will then have a better understanding of your inner mind, from a spirituality point of view and enable you to be self-confident enough to transform and grow your mental depth and understand of who you are.

This Spiritual Guidebook is a wonderful tool for people who hope to Heal their body and mind of emotional trauma, become connected to others of like spiritual energy and create a perfect existence for you on this planet.

With commitment, discipline, and action of these skills, your conscious, subconscious mind, and individual higher self can be part of your multidimensional higher self, which brings a new creative spirituality energy into you.

A wonderful and written book for people who are interested in Meditation, Mindfulness Spirituality, and Abundance that has been spiritually evolved, and is aimed at those of you who hope and wish to improve their emotional maturity, their spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy and transform themselves to living in a new more enlightened consciousness.

This book can be given as a gift or for yourself and your family.

I do hope you enjoy this book and put into practice what you will learn through the reading of this book.

Book link for Metaphysical Mysteries Revealed: “Paranormal Knowledge from a Spiritual Dimension.”

Metaphysical Mysteries Revealed

“Paranormal Knowledge from a Spiritual Dimension.”

A book channelled from higher realms that brings you “Paranormal Knowledge from a Spiritual Dimension,” which open a new vista of information, knowledge, and ideas of a spiritual new reality. On reading the content of this book, you will think about your life in a unique way, review your beliefs, values and even the way you live.

This book is designed to inspire you, help you to become more compassionate, empathetic, and more loving to all humanity, have the realization that you are not separate but part of “The All.”

The main mission of this book is to:

  • Enlighten the reader of the spiritual mechanics of existence on this planet.
  • Inform you of spiritual mechanics of the universe and beyond.
  • To inspire you through a channelled vision of humanities spiritual destiny.
  • Explain that you are more than a physical being.
  • Explain why it is important to connect to your higher self.
  • Understand that there is an even great a part of you a multi-dimensional higher self.
  • Give you the knowledge that nothing is separate.

These inspirational channelling’s give you a vision of humanities spiritual destiny, explains that you are more than a physical being.

Enlightens you that you can connect with your essence of creation that is in you being your individual higher self. The book explains trough the channelling that your individual higher self is part of a multi-dimensional higher self that is connected to you and “All That There Is.” 

The changelings will help you realize that nothing is separate that all conscious life is connected and is part of “All That There Is.”

The channels and I have used “All That There Is, “instead of God as the word God is used by organized religions that God is outside of you and not part of you as these channelling state.

Book link for: Creating Abundance with Your Higher Self: “A Spiritual Journey That Encompasses Abundance”